Home Cheap Projects! Simple trick to increase poultry hatch rate | Incubating in the winter

Simple trick to increase poultry hatch rate | Incubating in the winter


I’m incubating in the winter and found a useful patent for treating eggs to increase hatchability using hydrogen peroxide in 3-7% concentrations. I have a link to …

SomeGuyInNCarolina Hi, I'm just Some Guy in North Carolina. I post videos on YouTube to entertain and inspire you. I hope you enjoy my videos!


  1. Your video is great! I love your ideas! I wish I saw it before I started incubating. I have a question for you. YouTube wasn’t leaving my comments I don’t know why but my incubator humidity temp is only going up to about 40-55% (getting another gauge thurs.) which according to you at this point is actually not bad. But Sunday will be day 18 and I need to get the humidity higher. Can you give me some tips on how to get it higher in there (I’ll know for sure the accuracy again on Thursday)? Should I start spraying the eggs with distilled water? Though they have not been sprayed or washed with anything yet. I hope this get’s thru to you. I have been trying to send on YouTube for a few days now.
    Thanks so much for your great info and views. I have been reading and watching tons of videos and I really really like what you have to say.


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